Suzanne Wildman

Treasuring the Moments: Playgroups for New Parents

Picture of Suzanne Wildman

Suzanne Wildman

Professional Development for Early Childhood & School-Age Educators

Course Description

Becoming a parent is a defining moment in any person’s life. It is an experience like no other – you might find yourself feeling exhilarated one minute and then terrified the next. These groups aim to create a comfortable environment to talk about the ups and downs of daily life with a new baby. Conversations with other new parents are reassuring because you quickly come to realize that all parents have similar joys and challenges. Parents will have the opportunity to share tips and tricks to handle day to day issues. Most importantly, we will focus on keeping our lives in perspective so we can kiss the moments as they fly by.

Interested in this course?

Contact Suzanne for more information.

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