Suzanne Wildman


Suzanne Wildman

The principles guiding my work have inspired me for 40 years, both as an educator and as a parent. They invite us into new, creative possibilities which are meaningful and relevant now more than ever.

Relationships are the basic building blocks of life and never more vital than in the interactions between children, families, and educators. Healthy, meaningful relationships underpin everything we do in support of children’s growth and development. No two children or families are alike, so educators need to understand and respect diversity in all its forms– unique temperaments, varied learning styles, special needs, and cultural backgrounds. Children’s natural curiosity is enhanced through play and it is in the context of play that we can spark their imaginations, helping them explore their environment and learn about their world. Optimal learning happens when we individualize curriculum according to children’s individual needs, strengths, and interests.

Adults, like children, learn best when we draw on our own life experiences. Hands-on learning (both online and in-person) provides opportunities to learn from one another and practice new skills. Unconventional methods and novel materials make my professional-development workshops engaging and informative. Practical suggestions and strategies are memorable and allow educators, parents, and families to act immediately on new ideas.

Contact Suzanne

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